How Do You Know if Your Drain is Clogged?

clogged drain south st. paulAre you curious about the signs of a clogged drain? Don’t wait until your plumbing turns into a nightmare! Strange sounds, funky odors, and low water pressure might indicate that something’s clogging your pipes. Luckily, you don’t have to face this alone. At Alto Sewer, we’ve seen it all and can help you solve your plumbing problems without breaking the bank. But, if you want to avoid future plumbing emergencies, watch out for these top 10 signs that it’s time to clean your drains!

Slow Sink Drains

Are you tired of dealing with the hassle of a sink that won’t properly drain? The sight of soapy bubbles collecting around the stopper can be frustrating, especially when they leave behind an unsightly film that’s stubborn to clean. But this annoyance isn’t just a minor inconvenience – it’s a clear indication that your drain is clogged.

If you’re only experiencing issues with one sink, the blockage is likely close to the surface and can be cleared out fairly simply. However, if multiple sinks in your home are experiencing slow drainage, it’s a sign that the blockage is deeper in your sewer line and will require professional intervention. In some cases, years of buildup can cause pipes to corrode and clog much further down than you might expect. Don’t let a clogged drain become a costly problem – take action and keep your home running smoothly!

Backed-Up Plumbing Fixtures

Don’t let a plumbing disaster spoil your day! Have you ever experienced the traumatizing sight of murky water backing up into your pristine bathtub? Yikes! Here’s a quick tip: if your kitchen sink and dishwasher share the same drain, try giving your garbage disposal a good workout to clear up any nasty food debris clogging up the works. But if that doesn’t do the trick, get professional help ASAP. Ignoring the signs of a plumbing issue could put your family at risk of contamination from hazardous sewage or cause an unfortunate overflow resulting in a messy (and expensive) situation. Stay vigilant and save yourself the headache down the line!

Sewage Smells

Coming home to a welcoming, refreshing scent is the perfect way to end a long day. However, if you’re hit with a putrid smell instead, it’s time to act fast. Don’t let sewage odors take over your sanctuary. Troubleshoot the source of the smell right away.

If you detect an unpleasant odor emanating from a sink you haven’t used for months, don’t panic. It could be a simple fix. Try turning on the faucet and letting the water run. A dry P-trap is often the culprit, and by reestablishing the water flow, you could solve the issue in no time.

But what if the intolerable odor lingers on?  It’s time to investigate further. You might have a disconnected pipe that requires immediate attention, so don’t put off getting professional help.

With a little investigation and quick action, your home can return to being the oasis of relaxation and happiness that you deserve.

drain cleaning plumber south st. paulMusty Drains

Did you know that your plumbing system can produce more unpleasant odors than just sewage? Mold and mildew can also be an issue, resulting in musty, dank smells emanating from your sink or bathtub. But where does mold come from? This unsightly organism thrives in moist, damp locations with an ample food supply – and what’s a better source than your clogged drains filled with hair, soap, and other organic materials? While the thought of drain cleaning may seem daunting, a reliable plumber can help rid your drains of the gunk that causes mold growth and eliminate those unpleasant odors once and for all.

Pests in the Pipes

Do you feel like you’re sharing your kitchen sink with unwanted guests? Before you pick up the phone to dial the exterminator, consider another culprit: your drains. It’s not just creepy crawlies you have to worry about – larger invaders like rodents can make their way into your home through your piping. Don’t worry though, a plumbing expert can help identify any vulnerable spots in your plumbing and put a stop to these critters once and for all.

High Water Bills

Drowning in a skyrocketing water bill? Don’t brush it off as just fluctuation! You might be dealing with a plumbing leak that could cause as much, if not more, damage as a clogged system. But here’s the catch – leaks aren’t always visible to the naked eye. They could be hiding underground or lurking behind your walls. So if you can’t detect the culprit on your own, it’s time to call in the experts. And while they’re at it, why not ensure a hassle-free flow of water by giving your drains a thorough cleaning?

Standing Water

Is your laundry machine or dishwasher surrounded by a mysterious puddle of water? Don’t jump to conclusions and blame the appliances! Especially if you also notice standing water around your basement floor drain or any other plumbing fixtures. A wet sink, shower, or even a soggy base of your toilet may indicate a severe clog. Don’t wait for the problem to escalate- call Alto Sewer immediately to clear the blockage and get your pipes flowing smoothly once again. Don’t let a simple plumbing issue dampen your day!

Gurgling Sounds or Air Bubbles

Discovering strange sounds coming from your sink drain or spotting air bubbles in your toilet may seem insignificant, but don’t brush it off. These could be warning signs of a clogged sewer system. Over time, the issue will only worsen, causing further damage to your pipes and potentially even leaking into the surrounding soil. Don’t wait until it’s too late – take action now by scheduling professional drain cleaning services. Trust us, your plumbing will thank you.

Frequent Clogging or Overflowing Toilets

Don’t let the occasional toilet clog flush your mood down the drain. But if your toilet seems to clog easily or even overflow, it’s time to blame it on the culprit – something is lodged in the drain line. Could it be a forgotten action figure, a heap of paper towels, or pesky tree roots? No matter the source, don’t go plunging in harm’s way. Call on the expertise of a worthy plumber to unclog your troubles away.

Unsuccessful Attempts to Clear the Drain Yourself

Blocked drains can be a pain, but don’t let them get you down. With a little elbow grease and some DIY know-how, you can tackle most minor clogs yourself. Opt for a trusty plunger or plumbing auger instead of harsh chemicals, which could do more harm than good. However, if your efforts fall short and the blockage is more serious, it’s time to call in the pros. A plumber can help you access those hard-to-reach areas and get to the root of the problem. Don’t let a stubborn clog ruin your day – take action and get your drain flowing freely once again!

Schedule Drain Cleaning with Alto Sewer

Tired of lingering plumbing problems? Let Alto Sewer be your hero and say farewell to clogged drains once and for all! We’ll put our cutting-edge sewer camera technology to work to locate the obstruction and tackle it with the most advanced equipment on the market. From motorized augers to high-pressure water jets and bio-cleaners, we have the skills and tools to clear your pipes with speed and precision. Don’t let a frustrating clog bring your home to a standstill – call or message us today to schedule your drain cleaning services!


from Drain Cleaning Burnsville MN | Alto Sewer Service
via Alto Sewer

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