About altosewer

www.altosewer.com Email:mike@altosewer.com Phone:(651) 690-5345 Fax:952-985-0459 Alto Sewer is a drain and sewer cleaning company located in South St Paul, MN. Also specializing in water jetting, pump truck service, video inspection, and thawing frozen pipes.

Sewer Cleaning Services in South St. Paul

sewer drain cleaning south st. paulThe sewer may not be the most glamorous part of your home’s plumbing system, but it’s crucial to keep it clean and well-maintained. If waste items are left to pile up, you could be in for an unpleasant surprise – sewer backup. This can lead to hazardous bacteria spreading throughout your home, resulting in costly emergency plumbing repairs, and even the need to replace contaminated furniture or entire rooms. Don’t take any chances – make sure you schedule regular sewer cleanings to keep your home safe and comfortable.

Professional Sewer Cleaning

Don’t be intimidated by the thought of sewage backup – it doesn’t have to be a nightmare. Prevent disaster by getting your sewer system regularly cleaned by the experts at Alto Sewer. With their state-of-the-art tools and certified plumbers, you’ll never have to worry about hazardous bacteria or waste materials causing a potentially catastrophic problem in your plumbing. And with preventive measures in place, you can enjoy peace of mind all year round, even during the changing seasons. Don’t wait until it’s too late – book your appointment now!

Does My Sewer Need Cleaning?

Are you tired of surprise plumbing bills and sewage backups? Don’t wait until disaster strikes! Keep an eye out for these early warning signs that it’s time to book a sewer cleaning. Protect your property and avoid any stinky surprises!

  • Changing water level: The toilet can be a great detective when it comes to water levels! Usually, it’s pretty standard, but if things get a little too high or low, it’s a sure sign that something’s amiss. A clogged toilet can spell disaster, and nobody wants sewage backup in their home. So, keep an eye on that water level, and trust your toilet to tell you when something’s not quite right!
  • Foul odor: Is there an unpleasant, lingering stench making itself at home in your humble abode? Typically, waste items can be responsible for bad smells – but it’s not normal for the odour to stick around even after disposal. If you’re sniffing around trying to locate the culprit wafting through your rooms, it could be a sign that your pipes are clogged with wastewater. If you don’t take action, things could get messy – with sewage backing up and flooding out of your drains, toilets, and even showering along with you. It’s time to flush out the plumbing and preserve your home’s fresh and fragrant feel!
  • Foul odor: Say goodbye to sluggish drains and dirty pipes by implementing proper hygiene practices and regular drain maintenance. Although, there may come a time when you encounter stubborn blockages that indicate an underlying sewer problem. Don’t let this situation leave you in clogged despair – opt for a professional sewer cleaning to address and fix these larger drainage issues. With this proactive approach, your pipes and overall plumbing system will be clear and free-flowing like a fresh mountain stream.

search-broken-pipeSewer Inspection and Cleaning

Don’t let a clogged sewer put a damper on your plumbing system! Sloping, leaking, and costly repairs can all result from neglecting your pipes. Luckily, sewer cleaning is a quick and easy solution to prevent this kind of chaos. Farewell to harmful bacteria, roots causing damage to your plumbing, and greasy complications with preventative maintenance. Keep your pipes healthy and happy for the long haul with regular sewer cleaning.

  • Sewer inspection: Our masterful plumbers don’t just clean your sewer – they inspect it with state-of-the-art drain cameras and imaging equipment to ensure everything’s working as it should. Plus, they can even reach deep into your plumbing system with specialized probes! But that’s not all. For older plumbing systems, they’ll give you the lowdown on any necessary upgrades to prevent future damage and make sure your pipes, drains, and sewer system are equipped to handle whatever waste you throw their way.
  • Sewer cleaning: Say goodbye to clogged drains and messy backups with our top-notch full-service process! We’ll flush out any sediment buildup lurking in your pipes, clear obstructions that cause clogging, and eliminate waste materials in your sewer lines. Never worry about flooding season again with our reliable and effective solution.
  • Sewer line servicing: Protecting your home from potential sewage disasters is essential, and fixing leaky old sewer lines is just the start. Sealing off any pesky cracks and addressing plumbing issues is crucial to prevent damaging your furniture and electronics, compromising your building’s structural integrity, and even risking exposure to potentially hazardous materials. Keep your home free from sewage surprises with these necessary fixes.

Sick of experiencing costly plumbing emergencies? Want to save yourself thousands of dollars? Look no further than Alto Sewer in South St. Paul! By scheduling annual sewer cleaning, you can prevent these emergencies from happening and enjoy the peace of mind that comes with it. Give us a call today to learn more!

from Drain Cleaning Burnsville MN | Alto Sewer Service https://www.altosewer.com/sewer-cleaning-services-in-south-st-paul/
via Alto Sewer

Signs You May Need Sewer Cleaning

Don’t ignore your drains until it’s too late. Slowly draining water in your sink or bathtub, or a stubbornly clogged toilet can be a sign that you need sewer cleaning. Ignoring these hints can lead to major issues for homeowners in South St. Paul and the surrounding area and potentially hazardous conditions for the community. Keep an eye out for these telltale signs and act fast:

  1. The Dreaded Slow Drain

Nothing screams “problems ahead” like a slow drain. Letting it go unchecked only amplifies the issue. A sluggish drain could mean your main sewer line is clogged, causing water to take longer to drain away. Addressing the issue now can spare you from a massive blockage down the road.

  1. Water Backing Up in the Sink or Shower

Is your toilet giving you trouble? If the water won’t go down and starts spilling over into your sink or shower drain, you might have a clog on your hands. Don’t panic though, if the obstruction is minimal, you may be able to handle the issue yourself with a simple drain clearing. However, if the problems persist or you notice other issues, it might be time to call in a professional plumber for a proper sewer cleaning. Don’t let a faulty toilet throw a wrench in your day!

  1. Bad Smells (Sewage Odors)

Is your bathroom turning into a stinky swamp? It’s not just unpleasant, it’s a red flag that something is amiss with your plumbing! Don’t ignore the stench of sewage lurking in your toilet. It’s time to get to the bottom of what’s causing this odorous issue. Remember, a properly functioning bathroom shouldn’t constantly smell like rotten eggs or worse. Let’s tackle this fragrant problem!

  1. Water Overloading Pipes

Is your washing machine causing your sinks to back up? Don’t ignore this warning sign of a larger problem! Delaying will only make matters worse. Running smaller loads less often may seem like a temporary solution, but it won’t solve the underlying issue. Save yourself future headaches and schedule a professional sewer drain cleaning now! Don’t let a clogged drain ruin your day (and your laundry).

  1. Flooding Around Your Yard

Do you hear that strange gurgling noise when you flush the toilet? Or have you noticed that your yard is starting to resemble a makeshift swimming pool? These could be signs that your sewer drain is clogged and causing water to back up. Not only can this be a nuisance, but it can also lead to flooding and an unpleasant odor. If you see standing water, especially during dry spells, it’s time to take action and address the issue before it becomes a bigger problem. Don’t let a clog ruin your outdoor oasis!

sewer contractors south st. paulWhat Can Happen If You Do NOT ACT?

When you least expect it, life can throw you a curveball. Like a clogged drain that turns into a full-blown blockage at the worst possible time. And let’s be honest, who has time for that? But ignoring the problem can lead to sewage backups that are not only gross but also a huge health hazard. Imagine the nasty odors permeating throughout your home and the complaints from your disgruntled neighbors. Not a pretty picture, right? Avoid the headache and tackle the clog early on before it becomes a nightmare. Your nose and your family will thank you in the long run.

Are you fed up with slow draining sinks and toilets? Don’t let a clogged sewer line ruin your day! Trust the experts to take care of it for you. Sewer drain cleaning may be the solution you’re looking for to keep everything flowing smoothly. Luckily, Alto Sewer is here to help. Say goodbye to your plumbing woes and schedule a professional sewer cleaning service for your home in South St. Paul today!

Don’t let your plumbing system’s troubles back up on you! Sewer backups can be a real headache, but they’re completely avoidable. Say goodbye to sluggish drains and grimy plumbing troubles by relying on the expertise of industry professionals. With years of experience cleaning sewer drains, you can trust them to pinpoint the problem and remove frustrating blockages. Before you know it, water will be flowing freely once again, saving you the discomfort of dealing with any unwelcome surprises.

from Drain Cleaning Burnsville MN | Alto Sewer Service https://www.altosewer.com/signs-you-may-need-sewer-cleaning/
via Alto Sewer

Common Sources of Sewer Line Clogs

Sewer line clogs are a common problem that can cause significant inconvenience and damage to homes and businesses. They can lead to slow drains, foul odors, and even sewage backups. Understanding the common sources of sewer line clogs can help you prevent them from happening and avoid costly repairs.

Grease and Cooking Oil

Grease and cooking oil are major culprits when it comes to sewer line clogs. When you pour grease down the drain, it can solidify and stick to the walls of your pipes. Over time, the buildup can become so severe that it completely blocks the flow of water. The best way to prevent this is to avoid pouring grease down the drain altogether. Instead, wipe greasy pots and pans with a paper towel and dispose of it in the trash.


Hair is another common source of sewer line clogs, especially in bathrooms. When you wash your hair in the shower, strands can easily get caught in the drain and accumulate over time. This can lead to slow draining water and even complete blockages. To prevent this, use a drain cover to catch hair and dispose of it in the trash.

Flushing Non-Dissolvable Items

Toilets are not garbage cans, and flushing non-dissolvable items can cause significant damage to your sewer line. Common items that people flush down the toilet include baby wipes, feminine hygiene products, and dental floss. These items can easily get stuck in the pipes and cause clogs. Only flush toilet paper and waste down the toilet to prevent clogs.

Tree Roots

Tree roots are another major source of sewer line clogs, especially for older homes. Tree roots can grow into pipes seeking water and nutrients, causing them to crack and break. Once this happens, debris can accumulate in the pipes and lead to clogs. To prevent tree root clogs, avoid planting trees near your sewer line or install a physical barrier between the tree roots and your pipes.

Mineral Buildup

Minerals in your water supply can accumulate in your pipes over time, leading to clogs. This is especially common in areas with hard water. To prevent mineral buildup, consider installing a water softener system to reduce the amount of minerals in your water.

In conclusion, sewer line clogs can cause significant damage and inconvenience to homes and businesses. Understanding the common sources of clogs can help you prevent them from happening and avoid costly repairs. By avoiding pouring grease down the drain, using a drain cover to catch hair, only flushing toilet paper and waste down the toilet, planting trees away from your sewer line, and installing a water softener system, you can keep your sewer line flowing smoothly.

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